It all started during a casual round of golf among friends

Our thoughts drifted to what we’re gonna have for dinner …

It all started during a casual round of golf among friends

Our thoughts drifted to what we’re gonna have for dinner …

We love wine,
whenever, wherever.

Founded by a bunch of wine enthusiasts who might like an occasional glass of wine or two at home, the dilemma has always been, “when is a good time to open that bottle” ?

There is concern that wine left unfinished in the fridge will turn sour within a few days, and we are too proud to buy a cheap vacuum pump to solve our problem!

SANTUS™ was born.  Designed to give you the casual or the serious, the ability to enjoy wine in more ways than before.  And in style, no less.

We love wine,
whenever, wherever.

It’s more than just utility. SANTUS™ is a lifestyle that is all about convenience and character, be it at home or your work community.

We love wine,
whenever, wherever.

Founded by a bunch of wine enthusiasts who might like an occasional glass of wine or two at home, the dilemma has always been, “when is a good time to open that bottle” ?

There is concern that wine left unfinished in the fridge will turn sour within a few days, and we are too proud to buy a cheap vacuum pump to solve our problem!

SANTUS™ was born.  Designed to give you the casual or the serious, the ability to enjoy wine in more ways than before.  And in style, no less.

And our name?

SANTUS™ comes from a Latin word meaning “freshness”.

The "U"-shaped logo represents the perfect blend: you the wine-lover, a glass of wine, and an upside-down bottle of wine.

Together they reflect our commitment to deliver a perfect fresh-from-the-bottle glass of wine at your next or subsequent pour.

And our name?

SANTUS™ comes from a Latin word meaning “freshness”.

The "U"-shaped logo represents the perfect blend: you the wine-lover, a glass of wine, and an upside-down bottle of wine.

Together they reflect our commitment to deliver a perfect fresh-from-the-bottle glass of wine at your next or subsequent pour.

Eco-Friendly Design in Every SANTUS

Over 600 million bottles of wine are poured down the sink every year in UK alone because of glasses that have not been finished, bottles left in the fridge too long, or improper methods of wine preservation. By using more sustainable materials and reducing waste, we hope to contribute positively to the community be allowing you to do more with less.

Eco-Friendly Design in Every SANTUS

Over 600 million bottles of wine are poured down the sink every year in UK alone because of glasses that have not been finished, bottles left in the fridge too long, or improper methods of wine preservation. By using more sustainable materials and reducing waste, we hope to contribute positively to the community be allowing you to do more with less.

iF Design Award 2023 Winner

We are thrilled to announce that SANTUS™ Andante has been honored with the prestigious iF Design Award 2023. This award is a testament to our commitment to innovation, design, and user experience.

iF Design Award 2023 Winner

We are thrilled to announce that SANTUS Andante Uno Pro has been honored with the prestigious iF Design Award 2023. This award is a testament to our commitment to innovation, design, and user experience.

SANTUS™ for Business

Besides at home, SANTUS™ can add sophistication and innovation to your business, increasing your level of service and return on investment.

Contact us for volume purchase at

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